Monday, August 29, 2011

Tale Two- George Bush and Coffee Cake

Regardless of your opinion of our former President, George W. Bush, I hope you'll at least admit that he handled one of this nation's biggest tragedies better than a lot of men could have as President. I'm, of course, talking about September 11, 2001. Now, I'm not trying to get political here, I'm not that kinda blogger, but it's something that I wanted to mention because it was on my mind last night.

Why was George Bush on my mind? Well last night, I was enjoying some coffee cake with my parents (cause sadly, I still live with them), and we were watching a special on TV where the former President was talking about his 9/11 experience. Just one of the many specials airing right now as part of the hype for the 10th anniversary of the attacks, but it really was rather interesting. To make my point I'll just say this....

You can tell a person's character the best when they're dealing with some kind of crisis, or helping others deal with a crisis, whether it's a politician or someone you dealing with in your everday lives. Now, I know, that's not always a possibility, and who wants to think about someone going through a crisis. It's just something I was thinking about though. Especially since lately it seems like too many people I know are involved in some kind of problem or crisis. Including me. Gee, maybe I should reflect on how I'm dealing with that. Might help. In the meantime, I think I'll got eat another piece of that delicious coffee cake. Did I mention my Mom made some awesome coffee cake? Oh, I did? Great. On that note, til tomorrow my lovely bleaders (yes, I've read Julie and Julia)

not my Mom's, but still looks good, right?

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